Friday, 10 August 2012

Comic Book To Movie Hero/Villain: Silver Surfer

Welcome to the first post in a series of posts named 'Comic Book To Movie Hero/Villain'. These are blogs explaining my reasons as to why I think these particular comic book stars deserve there own movie adaptation. Lets kick off the series with a major player in the Marvel universe: The Silver Surfer.

Okay so before i go into my reasoning some of you might be shouting at your computer screens saying 'but he was in one of the Fantastic Four movies!'. Your correct, he did appear in the second of the Fantastic Four films, however here is why I did not think Silver Surfer got a good ovation during that film. For one the surfer was portrayed as a man of evil so unless the movie was set before the surfer decides to break away from his masters rule then i personally thought it was wrong to put him in that kind of personality trait. He should have been seen as a non-welcome visitor and that he was simply running from the military because he did not wish to hurt anyone and simply warn them of the coming danger. What we got instead was Mr.Eviltastic, smashing into buildings and creating havoc all over the place until the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom put a stop to him and manage to split him from his board. Its a small gripe with the character in the film but it was big enough to make me write this entire paragraph. So I hope you guys understand what I meant.

So onto the big question Why do I Think The Silver Surfer Deserves His Own Movie? Simple, he is the silver surfer! We've had movies done of: the X-Men a group of mutated individuals fighting for the rights of both humans and mutants, Spiderman everyones favourite webslinger and of course the Fantastic Four a group of four individuals (five if you include Victor Von Doom) that got caught in space during a catastrophic incident which caused them to receive special and awesome powers. The surfer is a different case which Marvel havn't explored yet. His planet of origin got destroyed by the most awesome bad guy in Marvel history (Galactus) and then he was forced to join him and forever be known as his messenger of death. But he manages to break his hold of Galactus and goes from planet to planet helping people in need and stopping Galactus from taking over the universe. You see with every Marvel superhero done so far we have had heroes that defend Earth (Thor is excluded from this list since he also defended his home world) and not had a single hero who is tasked with defending the entire universe. Its like making the Green Lantern movie, except only allowing him to defend the earth from destruction...........oh wait that happened..........DAMN!

But anyway on with my point here, the silver surfers origin story as well as his tragic hero tales of exploring the known universe and stopping Galactus would be an amazing addition to the Marvel movie series. Just think of it people, a massive battle in space featuring the surfer as well as the big reveal of Galactus on the big screen! Now if that's not awesome I dont know what is.

I guess the only real big question now is what kind of style i would like to see it in. Would it be best represented as a Spiderman movie where its more true to the comics than it is to real life? Or would it be best to put it in a real world scenario perspective where the Surfer Could end up saving the space station? Well to be honest I would like to leave that question to you guys, I have my opinions but I want to leave on something that you guys can get involved in.

Until next time guys this'll be That Guy With The Trilby, signing out!

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